To all rugby supporters in South Africa, we need to stand together and send out a message to Oregan Hoskins, Johan Prinsloo and the Presidents Council, that we are sick and tired of their constant arrogant, incompetent and bumbling efforts to run rugby in South Africa. The ongoing perception that they only have their own power hungry interests at heart, and not that of the players and coaching staff has become more and more evident over the recent past, and the Jake White issue is the last straw.
CLICK HERE to Vote No Confidence in the SA Rugby Presidents Council The time has come for us to show our annoyance and cast a vote of no confidence in the current Presidents Council by boycotting future internationals, Super 14 games and Currie Cup matches until such time as this lot is replaced. (It is Time We Stand Together and Not Renew Our Season Tickets/Chalet Contracts) We may not be able to change the past, but we sure as hell can make a difference when it come to the future of our beloved sport.