Saturday, November 17, 2007

Cheerleader of the day: Aretha Maasdorp

Aretha (19) is currently studying fashion design at the London International School of Fashion. Aretha wants to be a fashion designer and to have her own brand. In the future, she plans to finish studying, have a family, but never stop dancing.

View more Aretha of at mikothefox's blog
More sexy cheerleaders picture galleries
mikothefox's pic gallery

mikothefox has even found a few more nice pictures of Aretha from her modeling book at Wendy's Model & Talent Agency

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

One small step for Colorado, one giant leap for US rugby

Glendale, Colorado, has become the first city in America to adopt rugby as its official sport, and Governor Bill Ritter has proclaimed Glendale as the rugby capitol of Colorado.

Read more at Rugby in America's Blog at

Monday, November 5, 2007

Vote No Confidence in the SA Rugby Presidents Council

To all rugby supporters in South Africa, we need to stand together and send out a message to Oregan Hoskins, Johan Prinsloo and the Presidents Council, that we are sick and tired of their constant arrogant, incompetent and bumbling efforts to run rugby in South Africa. The ongoing perception that they only have their own power hungry interests at heart, and not that of the players and coaching staff has become more and more evident over the recent past, and the Jake White issue is the last straw.

CLICK HERE to Vote No Confidence in the SA Rugby Presidents Council

The time has come for us to show our annoyance and cast a vote of no confidence in the current Presidents Council by boycotting future internationals, Super 14 games and Currie Cup matches until such time as this lot is replaced. (It is Time We Stand Together and Not Renew Our Season Tickets/Chalet Contracts) We may not be able to change the past, but we sure as hell can make a difference when it come to the future of our beloved sport.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Magical Moments: World Cup 2007 in pictures

Images of Victory - The Springboks' road to glory

Tackling Everest - England's Remarkable World Cup Campaign

Who Says Rugby is a Manz Game?

A day with the World Champs

I arrived at Newlands and walked passed the crowd outside the stadium and through the heavily guarded players and press door. Juanita had told me that I would be in a special press area, so I wasn’t expecting much, but I decided to push my luck and I walked out of the Newlands tunnel and onto the field. There were other photographers and journalists standing around - I had hit the jackpot. I would be on the field with the Springboks!

Read more on shaunreznik's Blog at
Or view his picture gallery form the field

Time for Dallaglio to hang up his boots

First Lawrence Dallaglio slams Brian Ashton's management of England's World Cup campaign, likening it to a Monty Python skit. Then he apologises. Then he tells the Guardian that as a result of his comments he doesn't believe he will ever play in an England jersey again. Then, the very next day, the same Dallaglio is telling the BBC that he will not quit the England side of his own accord.
Confused? Don't be.
Read more on RedRose's Blog at