Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Great Rugby Ads

A whole new gallery of funny, sexy rugby ads uploaded by our users.

In Wales they start them VERY young

Finally, scientific proof of why Wales have produced so many great fly-halves

Going upstairs to the TMO

A novel way of sorting out those tight decisions

What happens when an Englishman, Irishman, Scotsman and Welshman go to the World Cup together?

* The corniest rugby pick-up line ever

* An unfortunate 'bonjour' moment

* A spot of French cuisine

This has to be seen to be believed

Ultimate proof that sports drinks do work

Irresistible to men: Is it the gorgeous workers?

Well, it's not really rugby. But then beer is synonymous with rugby…

Amazing Tricks with the Oval Ball

The best in streaking, some amazing tricks with the oval ball and the exploits of two of the game's greatest Demolition Men.

Streakers: Doing the Full Monty

A tribute to those fans who are prepared to bare all

Tricks of the Trade

It's amazing what these guys can do with the oval ball

Clobbering the referee

This looks far too good to have been a mistake

Dishing it Out

Demolition Man I: Lomu teaches the French a lesson

Demolition Man II: This tackle by Chabal is so good the ref thought it was illegal

On the Receiving End

Taming the Beast I: Lomu is made to look like a chump

Taming the Beast II: Chabal gets an Irish lesson

HAVE YOUR SAY: Can the Springboks beat Wales?

Rugby Embarrassing Moments

Most of these guys will have wanted the earth to open up and swallow them.

Refereeing is a tough job

Especially when you get on the wrong side of the players

Balshaw blows it

Is it surprising he's not in Johnson's squad?

A fatal fumble

Maybe it's time to ask Jason if he wouldn't mind helping out

Doing the Full Monty

This is one way to deal with the pain of losing

Tana tanks it

This is one highlight reel Umaga wishes he'd never made

From our Bloggers:

Cipriani's injury: The excuses have started already

Rugby and safety belts

Top 10 Dangerous Tackles

10 most viewed dangerous tackles that have been uploaded by our users.

10. Serge wallops Wilko

The Grim Reaper arrives a little late

9.George hits the Highlanders

This shows that size isn't everything

8. Tuqiri clocks McCaw

Another one to add to Lote's rap sheet

7. Colin savages Shaun

Charvis gives a perfect exhibition of the 'guillotine' method

6. Eagles bash Barkley

Olly is very lucky to have come out of this one unscathed

5. D'Arcy topples Tipoki

This is the latest spear tackle you've ever seen

4. Ma'a munches Gavin

The 'no arms' approach

3. Johansson savages Sterling

A better execution of the 'coat-hanger' you will not see

2. Leguizamon on Chabal

The big man gets stopped in his tracks

1. Nonu dumps D'Arcy

Gordon gets some of his own medicine

JOIN THE DEBATE: Is Jerry Collins' decision another sign of the All Blacks demise?

Great Rugby Ads You Haven't Seen

Here is a whole host of new ones that have been uploaded onto RugbyFanz.

This ball, it cost me the family tractor

Paying the price to get to the Hong Kong Sevens

Rugby isn't just a game for the young

When the cat's away, the mice will play

And it isn't just for men

A bit of cucumber treatment in the spa

Swing Low, Sleep Marriott

What some people will only do for a hotel bed

The true spirit of rugby

A tribute to the world's greatest game

Sex before marriage is advisable

This one has absolutely nothing to do with rugby, but it was uploaded and it is very funny

From our Bloggers

Eng v New Zealand: We have nothing to fear but fear itself

HAVE YOUR SAY: Springboks v the Joke Side – Can Wales turn it around?

Top 10 Rugby Biggest Hits

Rib-breakers and bone-crunchers: We bring you the Top 10 Biggest Hits ever uploaded onto RugbyFanz.

10. Alix axes Raphael

The ultimate definition of a hospital pass

9. Vickery mangles Magne

The French flanker gets his ribs rearranged

Todd KOs Kenya

Down and out in San Diego

Josh jolts Matt

He's not getting up after this one

Dan dumps Percy

Redefining the term 'crash tackle'

Juan totals Tuilagi

Apparently an immovable object can be moved

Wilko wallops Emile

Who says fly-halves can't tackle?

Jonah jumps Vincent

What happens when Lomu runs into you!

George jolts Geoff

One of the greatest try-saving tackles of all time

Sebastien KOs Chris

Undoubtedly the most devastating tackle in the last 12 months

HAVE YOUR SAY: Can England beat New Zealand?

Why rugby league is such a BUM sport

Some light-hearted pickings from our users, including players who have lost their pants on the pitch and a close-up view of what many, but not all, would consider the sexiest thing in rugby.

Why rugby league is such a BUM sport

Take a good, hard look. And yes, you are seeing what you think you're seeing

Here's the full explanation of this perverse act.

None of these guys can keep their pants on

Where have Mike Hall's pants gone?

Who needs pants when you have underpants!

The ultimate in rugby chivalry

Who says rugby and cheerleaders don't mix?

Behind the scenes with the sexiest cheerleaders of them all

Giving sailor outfits a whole new image

HAVE YOUR SAY: Why do cheerleaders get a bad rap?

mixed bag for you

We have a mixed bag for you: some big hits, some fancy footwork, some straight-talking and Jerry Collins… Well, best to watch!

Is Jerry Collins really doing that?

The New Zealand flanker getting some "relief" on the pitch

The ULTIMATE collision

What happens when two immovable objects collide?

Or is this one BIGGER?

The Raging Bull gores a Frenchman

Most acrobatic try ever

This gives a whole new meaning to "diving" over the line

A masterclass in sidestepping

Is Shane Williams the best jinker ever?

Telling it like it is

No one ever accused Brian Moore of being understated

The wooing of Dan

Daniel Carter is being courted by clubs in France and the UK. What would his departure mean?

HAVE YOUR SAY: Who is the greatest centre to play the game?

Top 10 Rugby Celeb Ads

The Top 10 Celeb Ads uploaded onto RugbyFanz.

10. Matt's fashionable side

9. Jonah's heroic side

8. Rugby's uplifting side

7. Jonah's softer side

6. Tuilagi's cullinary side

5. Mils' spiritual side

4. Mike's stary side

3. Victor's sexy side

2. Josh's sneaky side

1. Josh's sadistic side

The Weird and the Wonderful

A horse, a monster, some witchcraft and a touch of poetry.

Horsing around on the field

This is without doubt a first on a rugby field

Austin is used for target practice

Paying the price for bashing Wales

That's a monster

Gatland will do well to take note of this one

It's league, but it is amazing

Be sure to watch the conversion as well – pure witchcraft

The cross-bar challenge

Can you hit the cross-bar from 35 metres out?

Poetry in motion

Duckham-Quinnell-Dawes-Williams-Gibson-Slattery-John Williams!

Top 10 Freak Moments

The 10 most viewed FREAK MOMENTS uploaded onto RugbyFanz.

10. Going head-to-head

You don't want to tangle with the touch judge

9. What a loser

The guy can't even make the tackle on a sitting duck

8. This must be a first

Let us know if you have ever seen a prop do this before

7. A superb Nureyev imitation

George Gregan will want to expunge this clip

6. The ultimate fan

This is one of those moments when you say 'Thank God I don't know that guy'

5. A novel way to celebrate a try

Greg Louganis would have been proud of this one

4. A novel way to score a try

Nadia Comaneci would have enjoyed this one

3. Was it the 'Hand of God'?

The first instance of divine intervention in a rugby match

2. Dan Carter is a (super)natural

There was a time when he would have been tried for witchcraft for doing this

1. All we can say about this one is 'WATCH IT'

If someone ever produces an all-time rugby highlights package, this one will feature prominently

The RugbyFanz Team
