Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Haka Special 23-01-08

When he performed the haka, Jonah Lomu said it gave him such an adrenaline rush he was ready "to run into a brick wall." Many of our readers seem to get a similar rush from the traditional Maori dance. Here are some of the classic, humorous and more creative versions of the haka that they have uploaded onto RugbyFanz.

The classic haka

Tana Umaga at his fiery best

The Aussie version of the haka

This guy is either very brave or very stupid

The rabbit and the haka

This is definitely a case of cruelty to animals

The handbag haka

Not a whole lot to say about this one. Just watch and weep

The American version of the haka

Football players are doing it too

The Tongan Challenge

The Tongans and the All Blacks go head to head

The Scottish Challenge

A creative use of the kilt

The Hi-Tech Haka

How the famous ritual might be performed in 2208

For all you haka junkies, THIS is something not to be missed!

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