Tuesday, March 4, 2008

RugbyFanz Newsletter You'll get a kick out of this one 10-01-08

This week, we bring you some of the freakiest, most embarrassing and sexiest moments – on and off the pitch – that have been uploaded by our readers. But, most importantly, we bring you Kick Ace – the ultimate game for all you aspirant couch kickers.

Freakiest kick – ever

You've never seen anything like it. And probably won't ever again. It's also a great way to warm up for Kick Ace.

Sexiest Haka

Trust the French to come up with a sexy version of the famous war dance.

Most Embarrassing Ad

This one was produced specifically for the run-up to the 2007 World Cup. It's unlikely the Aussies will be rebroadcasting it anytime soon. The English, on the other hand, might well be.

Biggest Blooper

No TMO needed for this one!

Worst Excuse

You've got to be joking! Does he really think that the referee is going to buy it?

If Matt Dunning can do it, then you can too. So, if you're not already playing Kick Ace, then pull on your virtual kicking boots and get started.

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